Current Projects
Projects are focused on building long-term understanding and filling in gaps in the scientific body of knowledge that informs emissions reduction strategies.
Methane Emissions from Combustion Slip in Compression Engines
Research Team:
Colorado State University
Energy Institute

Principle Investigator: Dr. Tim Vaughn
Research Objective: This project will examine factors and events that result in the elevated release of unburned methane in exhaust (known as “combustion slip”) from lean-burn natural gas-fueled compression engines. Exhaust emissions measurements from active engines in the field will be collected using continuous monitoring technology and analyzed with operational and maintenance parametric data to identify opportunities for reducing combustion slip above baseline performance.
Source Emission Accounting & Localization System (SEALS)
Research Team:
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Applications Laboratory, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory

Colorado State University
Energy Institute

Principle Investigator: Dr. Jeremy Sauer (NCAR)
Research Objective: This project will develop an open-source, artificial intelligence-based software using machine learning (ML) to better locate and quantify methane emissions at upstream and midstream oil and gas facilities using fixed point sensors. This software will use new ML models trained and tested using a broad range of simulated climatology and environmental conditions to advance the goal of more accurate and reliable methane emissions estimations in the oil and gas industry.